Scuolabus - Arriva Italia - Cremona - Staging
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Schoolbus service

The service is managed by Arriva Italia and by the Municipality of Cremona (Educational Policies Sector).

The SCHOOL BUS service is aimed at pupils of municipal kindergartens, state kindergartens, elementary schools and middle schools Vida, Virgilio and A.Frank in via Novati.

The passenger must have a personal three-year identification card, issued by Arriva Italia to be requested from the Cremona Bus Station Ticket Office.

The card must always be accompanied by a monthly or annual subscription.

There are no other travel tickets available on the school bus service.

More infos


  • Comune di Cremona – Settore Politiche Educative – tel. 0372 407917
  • Arriva Italia – phone number 800 070 166 tel. 0284121000