Stradibus - Arriva Italia - Cremona - Staging
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Stradibus is the flexible transport service by telephone booking, created to bring public transport closer to the real needs of people, who increasingly need to move for various reasons to different locations and at variable times.

How it works

It is possible to use the Stradibus service to make any interurban travel within the service activation area, but also to go to the interchange stops with other public transport bus companies and with the railway, thanks also to the stops present in near the railway stations. Of course, it is also possible to make urban journeys within the same location, for example moving from the center to the sports or industrial area or from a fraction to the capital.

To use the Stradibus service, it is necessary to book the trip by telephone at least the working day before, by calling the toll-free number 800 070 166 (free from a fixed network) at the following times:

from 07.00 to 19.00 from Monday to Saturday

During the booking it will be necessary to specify:

  • the user code (assigned at the time of the first booking)
  • the day of travel the departure stop (number or name)
  • the arrival stop (number or name)
  • the time of departure or arrival

During the phone call to book the trip, the customer will receive the operator’s reply regarding the possibility of making the requested journey and an exact indication of the bus transit time from the indicated stop.

In the event that you no longer need the travel requested, it is essential to cancel the reservation in advance, by calling the toll-free number 800 070 166 (free from a fixed network), in order not to create disservices to other customers and avoid unnecessary travel. The repeated absence of the applicant at the stop involves exclusion from subsequent bookings.

By boarding the bus, the user must be in possession of a suitable and valid travel document issued by the Company or documentation certifying admission to free movement on buses according to current legislation.

The travel ticket is personal and cannot be transferred and must be canceled during the ascent (*), shown to the driver and kept intact and recognizable for the entire duration of the route and up to the descent stop, as well as exhibited at the request of the security staff.

All season tickets, with the exception of the annual student season ticket, must always be accompanied by a valid identification card, the number of which must be indicated on the season ticket by the season ticket holder.

(*) Annual passes must not be canceled – Weekly, monthly and quarterly passes must be validated the first time they are used.

Passengers without a regular travel document, with an invalid or counterfeit travel document, without an identification card or with an expired identification card or who in any case commit tariff evasions and / or travel irregularities, are subject to the payment of an administrative penalty by the Lombardy Regional Law n. 6 of 04/04/2012 and subsequent amendments and additions.


It includes the territory of the Municipalities of Bozzolo, Cà d’Andrea, Calvatone, Cappella Picenardi, Casteldidone, Cicognolo, Cingia de ‘Botti, Derovere, Drizzona, Isola Dovarese, Pessina Cremonese, Piadena, Pieve San Giacomo, Rivarolo del Re, Rivarolo Mantovano, San Giovanni in Croce, San Martino del Lago (only the hamlets of Ca ‘de’ Soresini and Villa Talamazzi), Solarolo Rainerio, Spineda, Tornata, Torre de ‘Picenardi, Vescovato and Voltido.

The service operates on weekdays from Monday to Saturday from 6.30 to 19.30.

Soresina – Castelleone

Includes the territory of the Municipalities of Annicco (for the hamlets of Barzaniga and Grontorto only), Azzanello, Bordolano, Cappella Cantone, Casalbuttano, Casalmorano, Castelleone, Castelvisconti, Corte dè Cortesi con Cignone, Formigara, Gombito, Montodine, Paderno Ponchielli, San Bassano , Soresina and Ossolaro.

The service operates on weekdays from Monday to Saturday from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 15.00 to 19.30.